Saturday, September 6, 2008

Our little circus and visiting a new church

So, I know that we have only been blogging lately when big things are happening, hopefully I will keep up a little better now :)

Lately our lives have been working and taking care of the pets... a little overwhelming, not to terribly unexpected with all the change that we had in such a short time but the size of our little house has been felt lately. We are tired, Gus has a tendency to keep us awake but he is getting better all the time. This followed in the wake of Moose getting use to us, he used to cry all night as well but we have gotten past that phase now. Frank continues to be the easiest of our little circus to take care of, chirping politely most of the day and occasionally hearing a bird outside or on TV causing him to go into a fit wishing he had a friend to play with.

Tomorrow we visit a new church, Hope Evangelical. We are excited about trying to find a smaller church where we can hopefully get plugged in a little easier. We have enjoyed Harvest but feel disconnected and lost in the crowd...

I hope you all enjoy our blog as much as we have enjoyed our friends blogs. My wish is that it would not feel like we are so far away :)


Tyne said...

I love you and am so glad that you are a blogger. Makes it feel like you are in the Valley- hmmm, kinda?

Thanks for being one of my followers, too. Such a complex-"my identity is in Christ, my identity is in Christ," ;)

Up all night listening to a crying kitty and dog... interesting.

My Yankee and Me said...

you still feel far away...but
the blog makes it a bit more bearable!

apemarie said...

how did the new church visit go? thank you for keeping up with the blog :~)