Saturday, September 20, 2008

I miss Gus

I miss Gus


mollyb said...

Oh but you have so much to look forward to! If you thought Gus was needy all day, just wait! Seriously though, when Baby comes, you'll probably be glad you aren't having to deal with a needy dog wondering why he just got shoved to second tier. This is the mommy speaking from experience, maybe Pat feels differently :) I will say that I realize my comments probably come at a time they're not taken too believably by you! Good luck with the mourning process. He looked like a very cool dog; with some very cool hiking/camping equipment.

Tyne said...

Oh, sorry you miss your pup. You want mine? My sponge of a daughter said the other day, "I am about done with this dog. See? This is why I didn't want a dog in the first place." I wonder where she got that...