Wednesday, September 9, 2009

And We Wait. . .

Wednesday 1:52 PM. The epidural is in and LeeAnn is finally resting comfortably. Obviously, hospitals are terrible places to sleep, so resting is about all she can manage. The contractions seem to have slowed, but they are still happening at regular intervals except now LeeAnn barely notices them (Nice!). It sounds like we are in a holding pattern for a few more hours then the DR. may consider getting things moving with pitocin. I'm really hoping she is born today because I can't wait to meet her but also because 09/09/09 would be a really cool birthdate! And we wait. . .

Post Script 2:09PM. the nurse just checked LeeAnn is at 7 cm, getting close!!


D said...

I'm so excited for y'all, and I'm praying for you!!

Anonymous said...

She is getting closer! Sometimes with those first babies, once at a 10, pushing can still take awhile, I hope for her 3 good pushes and she's out! :)

APage said...

I'm so excited for y'all and praying for a safe and quick delivery!!! YAHOO for only 8 months of pregnancy:)

bianca said...

yuck on the comfort level of hospitals, they stuck me full of needles and probes mid contraction. i hope treating her better. yeah for the epidural