Thursday, May 29, 2008

. . . And Life Goes On

Yesterday we had a big memorial service for Kelly. It was actually more like a huge party celebrating his life. I think the auditorium at church seats around 500 people and it was nearly full. I'm sure for every person that was there, there was at least one somewhere else that couldn't make it. That's the kind of guy Kelly was, everyone that met him loved him. There were line guys that fueled his airplanes in Helena and Missoula there. Pilots that have long since moved on and away were there. Air traffic controllers were there. Kelly's childhood Sunday school teachers were there. I don't know that we'll ever know a person again that was so well loved by so many people from every walk of life, Kelly was one of a kind.

Somehow I managed to make it through a pretty decent eulogy for my friend. A couple of people told me afterward that I should consider a second career as a pastor. I'm also pleased to report that the Gospel was presented very clearly at the service. And I know of at least one of Kelly's barbershop buddies that has been saved as a result of all this. So God is using this for good. Please continue to pray over the situation and for all of us that have been touched by it. Please pray that God will give those of us that believe, the courage to boldly speak of the hope that we have. And just pray for us in general, now that the funeral is over the shock has worn off and we are really starting to feel this. Also I need to get back in the air and there really isn't any thing I would rather do less right now, but I need to do it so pray about that. Thanks.

1 comment:

My Yankee and Me said...

We are praying for you guys
and for all of Kelly's family
and are on our

Love you guys!