We've been indolent with regard to our blogging and camera duties this year. Sorry we'll try to do better. I thought I'd start by posting some picture from our last camera import, which happens to span Christmas to Easter. Speaking of Jesus' holidays, Maddie was so intrigued by the Christmas story that ever since she heard it, she has been referring to herself as "Maddie Mary," I'm "Joseph Jeff," she calls our dogs her "sheep," and she has a teddy bear that is her "baby teddy Jesus." It's cute, but we're getting tired of her introducing herself to strangers as Maddie Mary. Here are those pics, hopefully we're back with more soon.
One of the advantages to living in Montana is that eventually you will end up with a good friend that has a farm. My friend Sam invited us out to his place so the kids could see some lambs that were born just three days ago. So we loaded up and made the 40 mile drive down to Bridger where the kids got to cuddle lambs and play on a tractor. They also had a great time running around outside as it's finally somewhat warm (above freezing anyway) outside. It was a fun afternoon excursion and I'm sure Maddie will be talking about lambs and sheep and Gyp the dog for weeks to come. Thanks Sam.