Last weekend we had the pleasure of our third round of houseguests. Jeff's parents came in from Boise and we had a fantastic time. We cooked good food, showed off Red Lodge, went up Beartooth pass a ways and, while I was at work on Monday, the three of them checked out Pompey's Pillar which was signed by Captain Clark himself.
Here are some pictures from the weekend. There is a pic where you can see my pregnant belly but we will take some more this week and do a post on how the pregnancy is going :)
I had intended to do another creative writing thing but I'm too tired. I flew to Kalispell today took pics on the way and then hiked to Snyder Lake in Glacier Park. Took pics there too. Hiked 9 miles flew 600 miles. Here you go.
My brother Mark and his family came up for the weekend and we had a good time. After spending all day Thursday painting, cleaning and organizing we had the house ready for company literally minutes before they arrived late Thursday night. Friday LeeAnn and I both had to work a little, but we all still found time for the girls to take the dogs on a long walk through our awesome neighborhood and cook some deer sloppy joes. Otis, Ruger, Moose and Frank got lots of attention over the weekend. Moose was especially appreciated for his spider eating skills, making him indispensable during bed time. Saturday we took a trip up Beartooth pass and saw all the sights. Up on top we stopped for a while to do some sledding on August 1st which is still possible at this latitude up at 11,000 feet. Kariss and I even took time to "climb a mountain." Sunday we went to church, went to LeeAnn's coffee shop and spent the rest of the day making ice cream and elk fajitas. delicious! Unfortunately, we don't have a whole lot of pictures as our camera battery died on top of the pass but here is what we do have.